All cases must be referred by your vet. They can find all the information on our Vets page
The cost of a consultation is £750 (Dogs) OR £650 (Cats), this includes:
A home visit (for clients living less than 1 hour travel from SE1 4HH)
A consultation lasting approximately 2-3 hours (this depends on the complexity of the referral-more straight forward consults may take as little as 1.5 hours)
A follow-up phone call in 3 weeks to discuss how the case is progressing
Follow up advice for 3 months (a reasonable amount up to 1.5 hour)
The cost covers all addresses within >1 hour travel from SE1 4HH. Over one hour we only offer Zoom consultations (see below)
If your pet is insured against behavioural issues you may be able to claim. Please contact your insurance company to check
If you have been referred by your vet please click the link below to fill in the referral history form
We are now offering Zoom consultations at a cost of £600
These consultations are really useful for:- pets that are fearful of strangers or aggressive towards people, owners who would prefer to not have prolonged face-to-face consultation
These consultations include:
A consultation lasting approximately 2-3 hours (this depends on the complexity of the referral-more straight forward consults may take as little as 1.5 hours)
A follow-up phone call in 2 weeks to discuss how the case is progressing
Follow up advice for 3 months (a reasonable amount), this may include a Skype session or a training session if need be
These sessions do NOT include:
A clinical exam of the pet by a veterinary clinical behaviourist.